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Plumbing The Depths

posted on 15 June 2014 | posted in Hints and Tips

Over the last few years I have seen Many Anglers Down the lakes not spending any time Plumbing the Depths when fishing Pole , Float , Feeder Ect
This is a real shame as I feel it is Must every time before you even start fishing
Only by taking your time to plumb the depth of the swim in front of you can you get an accurate idea of its contours.

On many lakes there will be quite obvious features to fish to – like islands margins, reed and/or lily beds or snags.


However, there can also be a number of fish-holding features that are less obvious, under the water.

Depressions in the lakebed, weedbeds or the bottom of marginal shelves can all attract and hold large heads of fish.

This means the proficient pole angler will spend at least 10 minutes searching all of the water in front of them to find these hidden, golden areas.

To see what the bottom is made of, Jamie always uses a 1oz plummet and lowers it slowly through the water on a tight line until it touches the bottom. The sensation that registers up the line tells him a lot about what he’s fishing on.

If the plummet sticks the bottom is soft silt, if it feels firm but not hard the bottom is clay, if the plummet lands with a ‘bang’ the lake bed is gravelly.


A. This shows you are too shallow.
B. This shows you are slightly too deep.
C. This shows you are just on the bottom.