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No Coaching today

posted on 23 January 2017 | posted in Articles / News

It was the Middle of January. The weather was extremely cold. One morning, I got up at six as usual and went out for a stroll. As I stepped out of the house, I began to shiver with cold. An extremely cold wind was blowing and the car covered in Ice.

The grass was covered with frost. Frost had killed all the flowers and vegetation. The trees stood naked. The temperature touched the freezing point.

I then Defrosted the car and loaded up with all the fishing gear and headed of to get some bait ready for the coaching session at Lakeside.

When I Arrived at Lakeside it looked like the lakes could be frozen so waited for Josh to turn up then we walked around the lakes to see if there was any clear spots to fish for the day.


Every lake was Frozen so I am afraid no Coaching today


